Sunday, April 19, 2015

[Party] Game of Thrones Appetizer Party

It is that time of year again, friends.  Winter is coming.

Given that it's April, that phrase doesn't make much sense to anyone who doesn't watch Game of Thrones, which returned Sunday night for its fifth season.  Naturally, I held a Game of Throne Premiere Party and got sort of carried away... 

Yes, that is a picture of the official Game of Thrones cookbook, and yes, I did print out special Game of Thrones invitations.

The guest list was a lot larger than my typical dinner party, and there was no way I could cook dinner for everyone, so I went with a themed appetizer party instead, on the theory that I could make as many appetizers as possible, that my guests could each bring an appetizer or a bottle of wine, and, barring all else, we could order out to supplement.  I had a lot of fun sifting through the cookbook and cooking up a storm, then labeling everything.  And my guests seemed impressed (by the spread and the premiere episode).

Out of respect to the authors of the cookbook, I will only be posting a few select recipes they have already chosen to include on their websitethey will come as standalone posts and eventually be linked to this one.

Sweetcorn Fritters (served in King's Landing)

Truth be told, I could eat sweet corn, straight, just by itself, and I totally have.  Add butter, and I'm happy as a clam.  This recipe is exclusive to the cookbook, but I highly recommend searching online for something similarit's a mixture of cornmeal, flour, milk, and corn (and other ingredients . . . ), and it's super tasty finger food.  Perfect for any party.

Jerk "Dragon" Wings (Targaryen) - " . . . because the dragons are jerks."
Recipe in This Post

There's a bit of a story here, namely that quite a few of my friends are obsessed with jerk chicken.  Naturally, I accepted the challenge of making jerk "dragon" wings.  This warrants its own standalone post (a sad tale of caution will be involved), but suffice it to say the challenge was met.

Honeyed Chicken (served in Winterfell)

This recipe is available online at The Inn at the Crossroads, so I will blog about this in the future.  It's meant to be a whole roast chicken, but I flipped them to chicken wings for easy finger food.

Mini Cupcake-Tin Pork Pies (served at The Wall)

Though some have forgotten him, there was once a character named "Hot Pie" (friends with Arya and Gendry) and I am sure he made pork pies.  This is a cute take on his name (in addition to food that Jon Snow *swoons* eats). 

Apple Cakes (served at The Wall)

This recipe is available online at The Inn at the Crossroads.  I chose to use the "medieval" version-- the best way to describe is that they are giant apple fritters but much less sweet than we're used to in modern times.  They were super cute (although I think I accidentally made them twice as big as I should have), but my modern palate wasn't quite used to the lack of sugar.

Lemon Cakes (served at King's Landing) (Sansa's Favorite)

This recipe is available online at The Inn at the Crossroads, and I will definitely blog about this in the future.  This is the modern version, and it stayed moist and delicious for days afterwards.  Cake fit for a would-be queen, indeed.

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