Wednesday, December 31, 2014

New Year's Eve 2014 - We Wax Philosophical

It's New Year's Eve 2014December 31, 2014meaning it's time for bloggers everywhere, including yours truly, to wax philosophical.  Or to photograph some impossibly beautiful decor, finger food, dessert, #OOTDyou get the idea.

In my case, because I prefer to spend New Year's Eve at home, warm and cuddling with my dog, it will be the former as opposed to the latter.

I've always been, for lack of a better word, energetictireless even, some might say.  There are 150 pages of contract, criminal, and property law assigned for tomorrow?  No problem, but I'll take a break in between for a three-hour dinner and a piano jam session.  You need me to stay at the office tonight until 2 A.M.?  No problem, but I'll wake up naturally at 7 A.M. to bake muffins for the team.  You want me to help cater a party for 75 of our classmates (seriously, this happened)?  No problem, I just need 24 hours to prep and cook and still have energy to mingle.  Is there a veritable mountain of presents to wrap for Christmas?  No problem, but I'll need to make some mulled wine on the stove and put on some Christmas music to coax out my inner Martha Stewart.  Don't mind me while I dance badly in the living room.

I've also tended to have a lot of interests.  I always want to learn something new, try something new, focus on getting better, read more books, play more music, etc., etc., the list goes on.

But 2014 wasn't a great year.

There, I said it.  It's true.  When I look back on 2014, I see that, for the first time, I have very little to point to in terms of things I swore I'd do... that I actually did.  And that's sad.

I want to be clear, though.  It's not that 2014 was a bad year.  In fact, in many ways, it was very good.  Some of my closest friends moved to NYC.  I met some amazing new people.  I was able to take not one, but two, vacations, both much needed and appreciated.  I had some great moments at work.  My family and dogs are all doing well.  I am blessed.

But, in 2014, in some ways, I lost me.  I started projects and never finished.  Worse still, sometimes I thought of starting projects and never even began.  I came home from work and, for the first time, was too tired to do anything other than break open a bag of popcorn.  (Mmm.)

And so I lost 2014.

In 2015, then, I vow to do, to live, to be myself again.

I don't have plans yet, but I'm excited to make them.  Aren't you?